
Peer-Reviewed Publications


Pandhi N, Jacobson N, Crowder M, Quanbeck A, Davis S. Identifying potential outcomes of patient engagement in primary care quality improvement: a modified Delphi study. J Eval Clin Pract. 2024:1-8. doi.10.1111/jep.14199

Quanbeck, A., Robinson, J., Jacobson, N., Li, X., Hennessy-Garza, R., Landeck, J. K., Cohen, A., Madden, L. M., Pulvermacher, A. Brown, R. T (2024) 4 Strategies to De-implement Opioid Prescribing in Primary Care. JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(10):e2438325. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.38325

Pandhi, N., Jacobson, N., Crowder, M., Quanbeck, A., Sarah, D. (2024) Identifying potential outcomes of patient engagement in primary care quality improvement: a modified Delphi study. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.

Quanbeck, A., Chih, M. Y., Park, L., Li, X., Xie, Q., Pulvermacher, A., Voelker, S., Lundwall, R., Eby, K., Barrett, B., & Brown, R. (2024). Testing support models for implementing an evidence-based digital intervention for alcohol use disorder: results of a pragmatic hybrid implementation-effectiveness trial. Research square. Published online by NPJ Digital Medicine-

Baltes, A., Horton, D.; Trevinoz, C., Quanbeck, A., Deyo, B., Nicholas, C., & Brown, R. (2024) Feasibility of implementing a screening tool for risk of opioid misuse in a trauma surgical population. Implementation Research and Practice. doi:10.1177/26334895231226193/ ID: IRP-23-0025.R2



Matson, T.E., Hermes, E.D.A., Lyon, A.R., Quanbeck, A., Schueller, S.M., Wilson, S.M., Glass, J.E. (2023) A Proposed Framework for Designing Trials Evaluating the Effectiveness and Implementation of Digital Interventions for Substance Use. Implementation Science

Xie, Q., Dyer, R. L., Lam, S., Frye, C., Dahl, C. J., Quanbeck, A., Nahum-Shani, I., Davidson, R. J., & Goldberg, S. B. (2023). Understanding the implementation of informal meditation practice in a smartphone-based intervention: A qualitative analysis. Mindfulness. doi:

Park, L.S., Kornfield, R., Yezihalem, M., Quanbeck, A., Mellinger, J., & German, M.N. (2023). Testing a Digital Health App for Patients With Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease: Mixed Methods Usability Study. JMIR Form Res. doi: 10.2196/47404

Kim, B., Cruden, G., Crable, E.L., Quanbeck, A., Mittman, B.S., & Wagner, A.D. (2023) A Structured Approach to Applying Systems Analysis Methods for Examining Implementation Mechanisms. Implement Sci Commun 4, 127. doi: 10.1186/s43058-023-00504-5


Park L, Vang A, Yang, B, Quanbeck A. (2022). Barriers to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Management for Older Hmong Patient with Minimal English Skills: Accounts from Caregivers, Case Managers, and Providers. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health 2022; doi: 10.1007/s40615-022-01480-7.

Quanbeck, A., Garza Hennessy, R., & Park, L. Applying Concepts from “Rapid” and “Agile” Implementation to Advance Implementation Research. Implementation Science Communications, 3:118 2022;  doi: 10.1186/s43058-022-00366-3.

McKay, J. R., Gustafson, D. H., Ivey, M., Pe-Romashko, K., Curtis, B., Thomas, T., Oslin, D.W., Polsky, D., Quanbeck, A., & Lynch, K.G. Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Telephone and Smartphone Remote Continuing Care Interventions for Alcohol Use Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Addiction 2022;  doi: 10.1111/add.15771.

Brown, R. T., Deyo, B., Nicholas, C., Baltes, A., Hetzel, S., Tilhou, A., Quanbeck, A., … & Agarwal, S. Screening in Trauma for Opioid Misuse Prevention (STOMP): Results from a prospective cohort of victims of traumatic injury (Running head: Screening in Trauma for Opioid Misuse Prevention). Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 109286 2022; PMID: 35101814.

Park, L. S., Chih, M. Y., Stephenson, C., Schumacher, N., Brown, R., Gustafson, D., … & Quanbeck, A. (2022). Testing an mHealth System for Individuals With Mild to Moderate Alcohol Use Disorders: Protocol for a Type 1 Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial. JMIR Research Protocols 2022; 11(2), e31109. doi: 10.2196/31109.  


Jacobson, N., Johnson, R. A., Schlabach, C., Incha, J., Madden, L., Almirall, D., … & Quanbeck, A.. Adoption of opioid-prescribing guidelines in primary care: a realist synthesis of contextual factors. BMJ open 2021; 11(12), e053816. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053816. 

McKay, J. R., Gustafson, D. H., Ivey, M., Pe-Romashko, K., Curtis, B., Thomas, T., Oslin, D. W., Polsky, D., Quanbeck, A., & Lynch, K. G. Efficacy and comparative effectiveness of telephone and smartphone remote continuing care interventions for alcohol use disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Addiction (Abingdon, England) 2021; doi: 10.1111/add.15771.

Eisman, A. B., Quanbeck, A., Bounthavong, M., Panattoni, L., & Glasgow, R. E. (2021). Implementation science issues in understanding, collecting, and using cost estimates: a multi-stakeholder perspective. Implementation science 2021; IS, 16(1), 75. doi: 10.1186/s13012-021-01143-x.

Quanbeck A., Johnson RA, Saha-Muldowney M, Resnik F, Hirschfield S, Meline RE, Mahoney JE. Encouraging the scale-up of proven interventions: Infrastructure development for the ‘Evidence-to-Implementation’ Award. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science Cambridge University Press: 26 July 2021, pp. 1-20.


Quanbeck A., Almirall D, Jacobson N, Brown RT, Landeck JK, Madden L, Cohen A, Deyo BMF, Robinson J, Johnson RA, Schumacher N. The Balanced Opioid Initiative: protocol for a clustered, sequential, multiple-assignment randomized trial to construct an adaptive implementation strategy to improve guideline-concordant opioid prescribing in primary care. Implementation Science 2020; 15:26. doi: 10.1186/s13012-020-00990-4.

Pandhi, N., Jacobson, N., Crowder, M., Quanbeck, A., Hass, M., & Davis, S. Engaging patients in primary care quality improvement initiatives: facilitators and barriers. American Journal of Medical Quality, 2020, 35(1), 52-62. doi: 10.1177/1062860619842938 PMID: 30999763 PMCID: PMC7392103.

Quanbeck A., Mahoney J., Kies K., Judge K., Smith M. Building capacity for dissemination and implementation to maximize research impact in a CTSA: The University of Wisconsin story. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. 2020:1-7. doi: 10.1017/cts.2020.3.


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Publications Prior to 2020

Quanbeck A., Mahoney J, Kies, K, Judge K, Smith M. Developing Dissemination and Implementation Capacity Within a CTSA: A Toolkit. University of Wisconsin – Madison School of Medicine and Public Health – Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Health Innovation Program. Madison, WI; 2019. Available at:

Quanbeck A. Using stakeholder values to promote implementation of an evidence-based mobile health intervention for addiction treatment in primary care settings. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2019;7(6):e13301. doi:10.2196/13301.

Quanbeck A. Decision-framing to Incorporate Stakeholder Perspectives in Implementation toolkit. University of Wisconsin – Madison Department of Family Medicine & Community Health. Madison, WI; 2019. Available at:

Molfenter T, Fitzgerld M, Jacobson N, McCarty D, Quanbeck A., Zehner M. Barriers to Buprenorphine Expansion in Ohio A Time Elapsed Qualitative Study. J Psychoactive Drugs. 2019. Epub ahead of print: 7 Feburary 2019. doi: 10.1080/02791072.2019.1566583.

Jacobson N, Johnson R, Deyo B, Alagoz E, Quanbeck A. Systems consultation for opioid prescribing in primary care: a qualitative study of adaptation. BMJ Qual Saf. 2018;0:1-8.

Madden LM, Farnum SO, Eggert KF, Quanbeck AR, Freeman RM, Ball SA, Schottenfeld RS, Shi JM, Savage ME, Barry DT. An investigation of an open-access model for scaling up methadone maintenance treatment. Addiction. 2018;113(8):1450-8.

Quanbeck A., Gustafson DH, Marsch LA, Chih MY, Kornfield R, McTavish F, Johnson R, Brown RT, Mares ML, Shah DV. Implementing a mobile health system to integrate the treatment of addiction into primary care: a hybrid implementation-effectiveness study. J Med Internet Res. 2018; 20(1):e37.

Top 5% of all research outputs (Altmetric).

McKay JR, Gustafson DH, Ivey M, McTavish F, Pe-Romashko K, Curtis B, Oslin DA, Polsky D, Quanbeck A, Lynch KG. Effects of automated smartphone mobile recovery support and telephone continuing care in the treatment of alcohol use disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2018;19:82.

Quanbeck A, Brown RT, Zgierska AE, Jacobson N, Robinson JM, Johnson RA, Deyo BM, Madden L, Tuan WJ, Alagoz E. A randomized matched-pairs study of feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of systems consultation: a novel implementation strategy for adopting clinical guidelines for opioid prescribing in primary care. Implement Sci. 2018;13(1):21.

Ranks in 87th percentile (Altmetric).

Alagoz E, Chih MY, Hitchcock M, Brown R, Quanbeck A. The use of external change agents to promote quality improvement and organizational change in healthcare organizations: a systematic review. BMC Health Serv Res. 2018;18(1):42.

Molfenter T, Sherbeck C, Starr S, Kim JS, Zehner M, Quanbeck A, Jacobson N, McCarty D. Payer policy behavior towards opioid pharmacotherapy treatment in Ohio. J Addict Med. 2018;12(2):85-91.

Brown R, Deyo B, Riley C, Quanbeck A, Glass JE, Turpin R, Hetzel S, Nicholas C, Cruz M, Agarwal S. Screening in trauma for opioid miuse prevention (STOMP): study protocol for the development of an opioid risk screening tool for victims of injury. Addict Sci Clin Pract. 2017;12(1):28.

Gustafson DH, DuBenske LL, Atwood AK, Chih MY, Johnson RA, McTavish F, Quanbeck A, Brown RL, Cleary JF, Shah D. Reducing symptom distress in patients with advanced cancer using an e-alert system for caregivers: pooled analysis of two randomized clinical trials. J Med Internet Res. 2017;19(11):e354.

Glass JE, McKay JR, Gustafson DH, Kornfield R, Rathouz PJ, McTavish FM, Atwood AK, Isham A, Quanbeck A, Shad D. Treatment seeking as a mechanism of change in a randomized controlled trial of a mobile health intervention to support recovery from alcohol use disorders. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2017;77:57-66.

Gustafson DH Sr, Landucci G, McTavish F, Kornfield R, Johnson RA, Mares ML, Westergaard RP, Quanbeck A, Alagoz E, Pe-Romashko K, Thomas C, Shah D. The effect of bundling medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction with mHealth: study protocol for a randomized clinical trial. Trails. 2016;17(1):592.

Mares ML, Gustafson DH, Glass JE, Quanbeck A, McDowell H, McTavish F, Atwood AK, Marsch LA, Thomas C, Shah D, Brown R, Isham A, Nealon MJ, Ward V. Implementing an mHealth system for substance use disorders in primary care: a mixed methods study of clinicians’ initial expectations and first year experiences. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2016;16(1):126.

Quanbeck A, Brown RT, Zgierska AE, Johnson RA, Robinson JM, Jacobson N. Systems consultation: protocol for a novel implementation strategy designed to promote evidence-based practice in primary care. Health Res Policy Syst. 2016;14:8.

Alagoz E, Johnson K, Quanbeck A, Gustafson D. Addiction in the older patient: Technology-based Interventions for Late-Life Addiction (Chapter 11). Sullivan M, Levin F, editors. London: Oxford University Press; 2016.

Johnson K, Quanbeck A, Maus A, Gustafson DH, Dearing JW. Influence networks among substance abuse treatment clinics: implications for the dissemination of innovations. Transl Behav Med. 2015;5(3):260-8.

Gustafson DH Sr, McTavish F, Gustafson DH Jr, Mahoney JE, Johnson RA, Lee JD, Quanbeck A, Atwood AK, Isham A, Veeramani R, Clemson L, Shah D. The effect of an information and communication technology (ICT) on older adults’ quality of life: study protocol for a randomized control trial. Trials. 2015;16:191.

Molfenter T, Sherbeck C, Zehner M, Quanbeck A, McCarty D, Kim JS, Starr S. Implementation buprenorphine in addiction treatment: payer and provider perspectives in Ohio. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2015;10:13.

Grazier KL, Quanbeck AR, Oruongo J, Robinson J, Ford JH 2nd, McCarty D, Pulvermacher A, Johnson RA, Gustafson DH. What influences participation in QI? A randomized trial of addiction treatment organizations. J Helathc Qual. 2015;37(6):342-53.

Quanbeck AR, Gustafson DH, Marsch LA, McTavish F, Brown RT, Mares ML, Johnson R, Glass JE, Atwood AK, McDowell H. Integrating addiction treatment into primary care using mobile health technology: protocol for an implementation research study. Implement Sci. 2014;9:65.

Quanbeck A, Chih MY, Isham A, Gustafson D. Mobile delivery of treatment for alcohol use disorders: a review of the literature. Alcohol Res. 2014;36(1):111-22.

Molfenter T, Kim JS, Quanbeck A, Patel-Porter T, Starr S, McCarty D. Testing use of payers to facilitate evidence-based practice adoption: protocol for a cluster-randomized trial. Implement Sci. 2013;8:50.

Gustafson DH, Quanbeck AR, Robinson JM, Ford JH 2nd, Pulvermacher A, French MT, McConnell KJ, Batalden PB, Hoffman KA, McCarty D. Which elements of improvement collaboratives are most effective? A cluster-randomized trial. Addiction 2013;108(6):1145-57.

Quanbeck A, Wheelock A, Ford JH 2nd, Pulvermacher A, Capoccia V, Gustafson D. Examining access to addiction treatment: scheduling processes and barriers. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2013;44(3):343-8.

Quanbeck AR, Madden L, Edmundson E, Ford JH 2nd, McConnell KJ, McCarty D, Gustafson DH. A business case for quality improvement in addiction treatment evidence from the NIATx collaborative. J Behav Health Serv Res. 2012;39(1):91-100.

Hoffman KA, Quanbeck A, Ford JH 2nd, Wrede F, Wright D, Lambert-Wacey D, Chvojka P, Hanchett A, McCarty D. Improving substance abuse data systems to measure ‘waiting time to treatment’: lessons learned from a quality improvement initiative. Health Informatics J. 2011;17(4):256-65.

Quanbeck AR, Gustafson DH, Ford JH 2nd, Pulvermacher A, French MT, McConnell KJ, McCarty D. Disseminating quality improvement study protocol for a large cluster-randomized trial. Implement Sci. 2011;6:44.

Quanbeck A, Lang K, Enami K, Brown RL. A cost-benefit analysis of Wisconsin’s screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment program: adding the employer’s perspective. WMJ 2010;109(1):9-14.

Quanbeck A. Managing your way to better addiction treatment outcomes. Behav Helathc 2009;29(9):34-5.

McConnell KJ, Hoffman KA, Quanbeck A, McCarty D. Management practices in substance abuse treatment programs. J Subst Abuse Treat 2009;37(1):79-89.

Submitted Papers

Jacobson, N., Park, L., Pulvermacher, A., Voelker, S., Herzog, M., Quanbeck, A. (2024) Exploring Fit in an mHealth Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial: A Qualitative Study. Submitted to the JMIR mHealth and uHealth. Preprint available at: doi: 10.2196/preprints.65218

Hennesey-Garza, N., Jacobson, N., Cohen, A., Landeck, J., Schumacher, N., Lundwall, R., Quanbeck, A. (2024) Using the Framework for Reporting Adaptations and Modifications to Evidence-Based Implementation Strategies (FRAME-IS) to Document Modifications to a Multi-level De-Implementation Strategy Aimed at Reducing Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Pain. Submitted to Implementation Research and Practice. 

Xie, Q., Goldberg, S., Jacobson, N., Rakel, D., Quanbeck, A. (2024) Moving Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Charting a Path to Personalized Chronic Pain Management. Submitted to The Clinical Journal of Pain.

Garza-Hennessy, R., Mahoney, J., & Quanbeck, A. (2022). Connecting the bibliographic citation networks of translational science and implementation science. Submitted to Journal of Clinical & Translational Research